The Book

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All pages by KatriannexVeldonxDrakul
Page last updated: Nov 21 2016
Honor: 27    [ Give / Take ]

This is part of a book I am writing, as you will know I posted an earlier work under the profile of Shalista about the character Talyk. This is a continuation of that story....

Seven years have passed since Char had left with elder Vatkir. Talyk now a teen grew up hating his younger brother Velkar. After the birth of Velkar, his mother had passed away three days later, since that day Talyk hated Velkar. It was on his tenth birthday when he was told what had happened. Velkar's birth had been hard on his mother, and she almost died during the birthing process from blood loss. He tried very hard to accept the loss of his mother, but when he and Velkar played, Talyk would see Velkar do things that only his mother would do, which instilled more anger and hatred into him.

One day an elder came for Talyk. Talyk was summoned to the temple to meet the elder. He showed Talyk a book and allowed him to read just a few pages as a test of his loyalty. When Talyk would not stop reading the book, the elder closed it and refused to allow him to read any further. Talyk grew angry.

Why do will you not allow me to read this book?"

The elder looked him over and could see within his soul. "You are not ready for the power that lies within this particular book, nor are you like your older brother; you are still filled with emotion of the loss of your mother. This is not the right time for you to learn the old ways of magic."

Talyk grew impatient and walked out of the temple. The draw of the book and what was written in those few pages was enough for him to think of only of what that book could do and the things to even possibly resurrect his mother that the depths of his soul slowly grew dark. Months had passed and Talyk could not sleep or eat anything else without thinking of what knowledge he might gain from that book, or the paths it could open for him.

His impatience grew and temptation began to settle in his mind to which it overtook his thoughts and began to get angry at anyone including his own brother. Soon his soul grew even darker and Talyk knew he had to find the one with the book once again for he believed he would perish without it. He sent a message to the elder who was the caretaker of the book to ask for a meeting, that he had changed and want to start his training the proper way. He called to a boy that was nearby. “Laddie, come here.”

“Yes Sir?”

“Would you like to do a favor for me?” The boy nodded. "Deliver this letter to the temple elder for me." he handed the boy the letter he had written and then pulled out his purse and handed the boy a gold coin. "Hurry off now."

That very evening Talyk went to the temple, to meet the one that showed him the book.

"So you have reconsidered my offer to begin your training have you?" The elders back was turned to him.

"Why yes I have master." Talyk then stabbed the elder in the back with a knife. It was the only way for him to gain possession of the book that called out to him. Quickly, he got rid of the evidence and began to search for the book.

"Damnit, I should of asked where he kept that book hidden, but then he would have become suspicious. Where have you hidden it old man? Ahh lets see." He walked over to a bookcase and started feeling some of the books and felt a switch, then pulled it. A door slid open that led downstairs. Talyk grabbed a nearby lit torch and walked down the stairs. The air had a moldy and dusty smell to it the further he descended. He could feel the draw of the book even more. As he made it to the end of the stairwell, in the middle of the room laid the book upon a table used for sacrifices. Talyk quickly grabbed the book and ascended up into the chamber and out of the temple with the book under his cloak. Talyk made it home and entered his room. Velkar was still sleeping; quietly he slipped the book under his bed. For now, he thought the book would be safe, as long a Velkar did not become suspicious. He would read the book when Velkar fell asleep. Talyk had changed that night.

The next morning came and the circle gathered only to find that one was missing, they arrived at the temple only to find that he was dead. Everyone gathered at the temple to see what had occurred. They are all astonished to find out that last night the temple elder was murdered. Both boys rushed to the scene to meet with their father to morn the loss. Talyk hid his feelings very well but one could tell he was not who he once was, and Velkar knew this, but couldn't prove it..yet.

All pages by KatriannexVeldonxDrakul
Page last updated: Nov 21 2016



21:18 Feb 22 2017

nice story

01:16 Jun 10 2017

Thank you, I have other short stories I have written..I may post them in here.

08:50 Sep 01 2017

very nice story

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